On the meeting in Helsinki we discussed about cleaning rules for 5 rooms and surface hygiene measurements results. Also Rakvere Reaalkool presnted two short videos based scientific studies.
Read MoreToilets – the source of viruses
Toilet hygiene is important in the control of both enteric and respiratory pathogens-associated illness both in public toilets and the home. Soap and detergents alone if not used properly cause cross contamination throughout a restroom. Use of disinfectants is critical to preventing movement of enteric microorganisms throughout the restroom. Pathogen contamination of both the air and surfaces in restrooms is well documented. Better quantification of the risks of infection using QMRA are needed as this well help determine what interventions will minimize these risks.
Training in the Amsterdam 10.05.-12.05.2022
On the training in the Netherlands we introduced to the partners 20 country differences in cleaning instructions, how to actually clean and that important research says. During the training we taught each other different cleaning methods and how to measure objective purity.
International project „Safe and effective cleaning in pandemic situation“

Cleaning is an activity that concerns all people, all buildings, all premises everywhere – someone is always cleaning. People’s health depends on cleanliness. The spread of the Sars-Cov-12 virus in the world has also increased the focus on cleaning. Disinfection has been widely presented in the media, even on streets and in other places. Disinfecting means the use of biocides, which pursuant to law should only be done by trained professionals.
The WHO highlighted the biocides to be used and their exposure times in its guidelines. In reality, people used disinfectants in massive quantities without paying attention to the requirements for use or safety. At the same time, the use of disinfectants isn’t even necessary in many situations and conscious cleaning is enough. However, when dirty surfaces are cleaned, a disinfectant has almost no effect or is insufficient, while the use of a biocide poses a threat to health of the people in the room and to the emergence of resistance. Awareness is important, as the results of the use of a disinfectant aren’t visible to the naked eye. The use of disinfectants is not appropriate; for example, these products are used but in a manner that doesn’t destroy micro-organisms and damages health, surfaces, etc. It’s also expensive. When dirty surfaces are cleaned, the disinfectant has no effect or the effect is minimal. For example, a 20-year study was carried out in the University of Bergen, Norway, which covered 6000 people and concluded that the use of cleaning agents in spray bottles damages a person’s health as much as smoking 20 cigarettes per day (Household cleaners can be as bad as smoking for your lungs (sciencenorway.no)).